28 Mart 2023 Salı

What does learning mean ? As a summary of Soner teacher's video.

 What does learning mean ?

In addition to being one of the basic functions of 80-100 billion neuron cells in our brain, learning refers to the observable changes, time-dependent developments and advances in an individual's knowledge,skills and attitudes in a temporal way.

so, How does learning occur ?
Learning occurs after a certain amount of repetition. that is, learning does not occur once by hearing or seeing. For this reason, the learner should repeat something at different times and more than once so that he can learn. Learning is not a whole, but happens in part. The act of learning uses a quarter of the body's energy. If there is no energy, there is no learning.

What are the most remembered parts of a lesson ?
Visuals are the most remembered, as the brain processes visuals faster.

Why do we do the lesson design ?
We must use up-to-date materials and tools so that we can increase interaction with students and make learning more effective. in addition, a lesson should be planned and designed according to the learning principles of the brain.

Coming to some of the topics covered in the lecture, technology has revealed tools, projects and techniques over time.Let's have a look at these...

Mobile Learning: Mobile learning, also known as m-learning, is a type of educational technology that involves the use of mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, to support learning. With the widespread use of mobile devices, m-learning has become increasingly popular as a way to make education more accessible, flexible, and convenient.

Here are some examples of how mobile learning can be used in education:

  1. Access to learning materials: Students can use mobile devices to access digital textbooks, e-books, and other learning materials anytime, anywhere. This provides students with flexibility in terms of when and where they learn, allowing them to fit their studies around their other commitments.

  2. Collaborative learning: Mobile devices can be used to facilitate collaboration between students, even when they are not in the same physical location. For example, students can use mobile devices to work on group projects, share ideas, and provide feedback to each other.

  3. Multimedia learning: Mobile devices can support multimedia learning by providing students with access to videos, audio recordings, and other multimedia content. This can make learning more engaging and interactive, and can help students to understand complex concepts more easily.

  4. Assessment and feedback: Mobile devices can be used to support assessment and feedback. For example, teachers can use mobile apps to create quizzes and tests, and students can receive immediate feedback on their performance.

  5. Personalized learning: Mobile devices can be used to support personalized learning by providing students with learning materials that are tailored to their individual needs and preferences. For example, adaptive learning platforms can use algorithms to adjust the difficulty of learning materials to match a student's ability.

Bring Your Own Device:Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is a trend in education where students are allowed to use their own personal electronic devices, such as laptops, tablets, and smartphones, in the classroom for educational purposes. This means that students are not required to use school-provided devices and can bring their own devices to access educational content and complete class assignments.

Here are some potential benefits and challenges of implementing a BYOD program in education:


  1. Cost savings: Schools can save money by not having to purchase and maintain a large number of devices for student use.
  2. Familiarity with devices: Students are often more familiar and comfortable using their own devices, which can help to increase their engagement and participation in class.
  3. Personalization: BYOD allows students to personalize their learning experience by using devices and apps that they are comfortable with and that suit their learning style.
  4. Increased access to technology: BYOD can help to increase access to technology for students who may not have access to devices outside of school.
3D Printing
AI: ChatGPT is the tool that I used a little while writing this article.

ChatGPT is a artificial intelligence chatbot. You can ask questions and get answers.

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