6 Haziran 2023 Salı

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: Same But Different Things :)


Both augmented reality  and virtual reality affect how we perceive reality, although they do it in distinct ways.

With the help of a headset or pair of goggles that totally obscure the outside world, virtual reality  refers to an immersive technology that produces a simulated environment. Users enter a computer-generated three-dimensional environment where they can interact with and explore a virtual world by donning the VR equipment. To create a realistic and immersive experience, VR often gives the user a sensation of presence and can activate several senses, including vision and hearing.

Virtual reality is frequently employed in a variety of industries, including gaming, entertainment, training simulations, and even treatment. For instance, VR can create an immersive and engaging gaming experience that makes players feel as though they are actually in the game's universe.

However, Augmented Reality enhances rather than replaces our view of reality by superimposing digital content on the physical world. AR technology combines computer-generated features with the user's actual environment in real-time using gadgets like smartphones, tablets, or smart glasses. This can be done by adding data, photos, or 3D models as overlays on the user's perspective of the real world.

In conclusion, whereas augmented reality (AR) overlays digital content on the actual world to improve our impression of reality, virtual reality (VR) entirely submerges viewers in a digital environment that has been digitally generated. Both technologies have distinctive uses and present fascinating opportunities in a variety of industries, including entertainment, education, and others.

Animoto and My Animation Trial

 Animoto is a cloud-based video creation platform that allows users to easily create and customize professional-looking videos. It provides a user-friendly interface and a wide range of pre-designed templates, video styles, and music tracks to choose from.

With Animoto, you can create videos by uploading your own photos, videos, and music, or by selecting content from Animoto's extensive library. The platform offers various customization options, including adding text, captions, and transitions to your videos. You can also adjust the timing, order, and duration of the content to create a visually engaging video.Animoto is commonly used for creating marketing videos, social media content, slideshows, presentations, and personal projects. It is popular among individuals, businesses, educators, and photographers who want to create professional-looking videos without the need for extensive video editing skills or software.

Here is the link for my animation: https://animoto.com/play/iltPDqHOYlzZVWpxq8s89A

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: Same But Different Things :)

  Both augmented reality  and virtual reality affect how we perceive reality, although they do it in distinct ways. With the help of a heads...