6 Haziran 2023 Salı

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: Same But Different Things :)


Both augmented reality  and virtual reality affect how we perceive reality, although they do it in distinct ways.

With the help of a headset or pair of goggles that totally obscure the outside world, virtual reality  refers to an immersive technology that produces a simulated environment. Users enter a computer-generated three-dimensional environment where they can interact with and explore a virtual world by donning the VR equipment. To create a realistic and immersive experience, VR often gives the user a sensation of presence and can activate several senses, including vision and hearing.

Virtual reality is frequently employed in a variety of industries, including gaming, entertainment, training simulations, and even treatment. For instance, VR can create an immersive and engaging gaming experience that makes players feel as though they are actually in the game's universe.

However, Augmented Reality enhances rather than replaces our view of reality by superimposing digital content on the physical world. AR technology combines computer-generated features with the user's actual environment in real-time using gadgets like smartphones, tablets, or smart glasses. This can be done by adding data, photos, or 3D models as overlays on the user's perspective of the real world.

In conclusion, whereas augmented reality (AR) overlays digital content on the actual world to improve our impression of reality, virtual reality (VR) entirely submerges viewers in a digital environment that has been digitally generated. Both technologies have distinctive uses and present fascinating opportunities in a variety of industries, including entertainment, education, and others.

Animoto and My Animation Trial

 Animoto is a cloud-based video creation platform that allows users to easily create and customize professional-looking videos. It provides a user-friendly interface and a wide range of pre-designed templates, video styles, and music tracks to choose from.

With Animoto, you can create videos by uploading your own photos, videos, and music, or by selecting content from Animoto's extensive library. The platform offers various customization options, including adding text, captions, and transitions to your videos. You can also adjust the timing, order, and duration of the content to create a visually engaging video.Animoto is commonly used for creating marketing videos, social media content, slideshows, presentations, and personal projects. It is popular among individuals, businesses, educators, and photographers who want to create professional-looking videos without the need for extensive video editing skills or software.

Here is the link for my animation: https://animoto.com/play/iltPDqHOYlzZVWpxq8s89A

23 Mayıs 2023 Salı

My SecondLife Experience: The link for selfie

 Second Life has been an absolutely wonderful experience for me. I was captivated by the seemingly endless potentials that this virtual world opened up for me as soon as I arrived there. I developed my avatar to reflect my own and style, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and research. I encountered fascinating people, rushed into myself in a growing community of agreed people, and discovered a sense of creativity beyond anything I had ever experienced. By designing my halos, participating in exciting events and activities, and engaging in virtual life, I was able to  understand the intensity of this realistic virtual setting. Second Life has transformed into an additional dwelling for me, an atmosphere where I can get away from reality and take part in wonderful adventures with endless potential.

Here is the link for my SecondLife Avatar's selfie on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=105762009200890&set=a.105762045867553



Voki is a web-based application that allows users to create customizable avatars and add voiceovers to them. It is commonly used in education and communication contexts to enhance presentations, engage students, and create interactive content.

With Voki, users can select from a range of animated characters and customize their appearance, including facial features, clothing, and accessories. Users can also record their own voice or use text-to-speech technology to add audio to the avatar, giving it a lifelike and personalized touch.

Voki avatars can be embedded into websites, blogs, or presentations, making them a versatile tool for communication and storytelling. They can be used to deliver speeches, introduce concepts, provide instructions, or simply add a fun and interactive element to presentations.

In educational settings, Voki is often used by teachers to create engaging learning materials, interactive lessons, or to give students a voice by allowing them to create their own avatars and presentations. It can be used to promote language learning, encourage creativity, and make educational content more interactive and engaging.

Here is the link for My Voki product: https://tinyurl.com/2q387k5d

Soundcloud and My Podcast Trial

SoundCloud is a popular online audio distribution platform that allows users to upload, share, and discover music and other audio content. It was launched in 2007 and has since become a prominent platform for independent musicians, DJs, podcasters, and other audio creators to showcase their work and connect with audiences worldwide.On SoundCloud, users can upload their own tracks, create playlists, follow other users, and engage with the community through likes, comments, and reposts. It offers a diverse range of genres and allows artists to reach a global audience without the need for a traditional record label or distributor.

Podcast: A podcast is a digital audio or video series that is released in episodes and can be downloaded or streamed over the internet. It is a form of on-demand media that allows users to listen to or watch content whenever they want, rather than following a fixed broadcasting schedule.

Podcasts cover a wide range of topics, including entertainment, news, education, storytelling, technology, and more. They are typically hosted by individuals or groups who discuss and explore various subjects in a conversational format. Podcasts can be produced by professional media organizations, independent creators, or even enthusiasts passionate about a particular topic.

Listeners can subscribe to their favorite podcasts through various platforms or apps, such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or dedicated podcast apps. Subscribing to a podcast ensures that new episodes are automatically downloaded or made available for streaming when they are released.

Here is the link for my podcast: https://soundcloud.com/yusuf-bekta-tartar/technology-effects-on-language-learning-podcast?si=02a1521693514fb1b769e8aebc0de983&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing

14 Mayıs 2023 Pazar

Immersive Learning: Nearpod

 Nearpod is an interactive educational platform that provides teachers with a variety of tools to create engaging and immersive learning experiences for their students. It allows educators to design and deliver multimedia presentations, interactive quizzes, and collaborative activities that can be accessed by students on their devices, such as computers, tablets, or smartphones.With Nearpod, teachers can upload existing presentations or create new ones using a range of interactive features like virtual reality (VR) field trips, 3D objects, videos, polls, and open-ended questions. They can also incorporate formative assessments into their lessons to gauge student understanding and track individual or class progress in real-time.Students can join a Nearpod session by entering a unique code provided by the teacher or by clicking on a shared link. Once connected, they can follow along with the teacher's presentation, interact with the content, respond to questions, and participate in discussions or collaborative activities. The platform supports synchronous and asynchronous learning, enabling teachers to deliver lessons in real-time or assign self-paced activities for independent work.Nearpod provides valuable insights and analytics for teachers, allowing them to monitor student participation and progress. They can view individual responses, aggregate data, and identify areas where students may need additional support or clarification. Nearpod also integrates with learning management systems (LMS) and other educational tools to streamline workflows and enhance the overall learning experience.Nearpod aims to make learning more interactive, engaging, and personalized, fostering student engagement and providing teachers with powerful tools to create dynamic and effective lessons.

In addition to its core features, Nearpod offers several additional functionalities and resources to enhance the teaching and learning experience. Here are some notable aspects of Nearpod:

  1. Content Library: Nearpod provides an extensive library of pre-created lessons and activities across various subjects and grade levels. Teachers can browse and access these resources to supplement their own content or to get inspiration for their own creations.

  2. Virtual Reality (VR) and 3D Objects: Nearpod allows teachers to incorporate virtual reality experiences and 3D objects into their lessons. Students can explore virtual environments, historical sites, or scientific phenomena, providing a more immersive and engaging learning experience.

  3. Collaboration and Interaction: Nearpod encourages collaboration and interaction among students. Teachers can facilitate discussions, encourage peer-to-peer interactions, and promote cooperative learning through interactive features like open-ended questions, polls, and collaborative boards.

  4. Live Session Features: During live sessions, teachers have access to real-time feedback and data, allowing them to monitor student progress and adjust instruction accordingly. They can view student responses, provide immediate feedback, and address misconceptions or questions in the moment.

  5. Homework and Self-paced Lessons: Nearpod supports self-paced lessons, enabling students to access and complete assignments at their own pace. Teachers can assign lessons for homework or independent study, and students can access the content remotely and submit their responses for assessment.

  6. Assessment and Reporting: Nearpod provides tools for formative assessment and data analysis. Teachers can track student performance, view individual or class-level reports, and identify areas where students may require additional support. This data can inform instructional decisions and help personalize the learning experience.

  7. Integration and Compatibility: Nearpod integrates with popular learning management systems (LMS) such as Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, Canvas, and Schoology, allowing for seamless integration with existing workflows and platforms.

It's worth noting that Nearpod continually evolves and updates its features based on feedback from educators and the evolving needs of the educational community.

Here is the link for my Nearpod trial (Basic level) : I shared it. (Sended to tcan@iuc.edu.tr)

7 Mayıs 2023 Pazar

Brainstorming and Mind Mapping: Mindmeister!


MindMeister is an online mind mapping and brainstorming tool that allows users to visually organize their thoughts, ideas, and information. It provides a digital canvas where users can create, edit, and share mind maps, which are diagrams that represent concepts, tasks, or relationships in a hierarchical or non-linear manner.MindMeister offers a user-friendly interface that enables individuals or teams to create mind maps collaboratively in real-time. Users can add text, images, links, and various shapes to their mind maps, and they can customize the appearance and layout of the maps to suit their preferences. The tool also supports features like task management, notes, and comments, making it useful for project planning, knowledge sharing, and creative thinking.With MindMeister, users can access their mind maps from any device with an internet connection, making it convenient for remote collaboration and on-the-go brainstorming. The tool also integrates with other productivity applications such as Google Drive, Dropbox, and MeisterTask, allowing for seamless integration with existing workflows. MindMeister is designed to enhance productivity, creativity, and collaboration by providing a versatile platform for organizing and visualizing ideas in a clear and structured manner.

In addition to its core mind mapping features, MindMeister offers several additional functionalities and benefits:

  1. Collaboration: MindMeister facilitates real-time collaboration, allowing multiple users to work together on the same mind map simultaneously. Users can invite others to view, edit, and comment on their mind maps, making it ideal for teamwork and group projects.

  2. Sharing and Publishing: MindMeister provides various sharing options, allowing users to share their mind maps with specific individuals or make them accessible to the public. Mind maps can be shared via email, direct link, or embedded in websites or blogs. This feature promotes knowledge sharing and enables easy dissemination of ideas.

  3. Templates and Styles: MindMeister offers a range of pre-designed templates and styles to help users get started quickly. These templates provide structured frameworks for specific use cases, such as project management, brainstorming, or educational purposes. Users can also customize the appearance of their mind maps by choosing different themes, colors, and fonts.

  4. Task Management: MindMeister integrates with MeisterTask, a task management tool, allowing users to turn their ideas and brainstorming sessions into actionable tasks. This integration enables seamless workflow management, helping users stay organized and productive.

  5. Offline Access: While MindMeister is primarily an online tool, it also offers offline access. Users can sync their mind maps and work on them even when they don't have an internet connection. The changes made offline will be automatically updated when the user is back online.

  6. Mobile Apps: MindMeister provides mobile apps for iOS and Android devices, enabling users to access and work on their mind maps while on the go. This mobility allows for flexibility and convenience in brainstorming and idea capture.

  7. Integration with Productivity Tools: MindMeister integrates with various productivity tools such as Google Drive, Dropbox, and Microsoft Teams. This integration streamlines the workflow by enabling users to import and export files, attach documents, and collaborate seamlessly with other applications.

These additional features enhance the versatility and functionality of MindMeister, making it a comprehensive tool for mind mapping, collaboration, and productivity enhancement.

Here is the link for the map that i created for networking: https://www.mindmeister.com/2749220442/an-educational-tool-networking

6 Mayıs 2023 Cumartesi

Comic Strips: Pixton


Pixton is an online platform that allows users to create and customize their own comic strips, graphic novels, and storyboards. It provides a user-friendly interface and a wide range of tools for designing and illustrating characters, backgrounds, and dialogue.With Pixton, users can create their own unique characters by customizing facial features, hairstyles, clothing, and more. The platform offers a vast library of pre-made poses and expressions, making it easy to create dynamic and expressive characters. Users can also design and customize the setting of their stories by selecting from a variety of backgrounds or uploading their own images.One of the key features of Pixton is its intuitive comic creation process. Users can arrange and resize panels, add speech bubbles and captions, and choose from a variety of artistic styles to create their desired visual narrative. The platform also supports collaboration, allowing multiple users to work on a comic strip or graphic novel simultaneously.Pixton is used by educators, students, and individuals in various contexts. In education, it is a popular tool for visual storytelling and creative expression. Teachers can utilize Pixton to engage students in subjects like English, social studies, or even science by having them create comics that demonstrate understanding of concepts or tell stories. Additionally, it can be used as a tool for digital storytelling, presenting information in a visually appealing and engaging format. Pixton offers a creative and accessible platform for designing and publishing comic strips and graphic novels, making it a valuable resource for storytelling, education, and personal expression.

In addition to its core features, Pixton offers several other functionalities and benefits:

  1. Collaboration and Sharing: Pixton allows users to collaborate on comic projects by inviting others to co-create, edit, and provide feedback on their work. This feature is particularly useful for group projects, where multiple users can contribute to a single comic strip or graphic novel. Users can also share their creations with others by publishing them online, embedding them in websites, or printing them out.

  2. Education-Focused Features: Pixton offers specific features tailored for educators and students. Teachers can create private classrooms and manage student accounts within the platform. They can assign comic projects, provide feedback, and track student progress. Pixton also provides ready-made lesson plans and curriculum-aligned content, making it easier for educators to integrate comic creation into their teaching.

  3. Accessibility Options: Pixton offers accessibility features that cater to users with diverse needs. It supports screen readers and offers a high-contrast mode, making the platform more accessible for users with visual impairments. Additionally, Pixton provides options for text-to-speech and speech-to-text functionalities, enhancing usability for individuals with different learning preferences.

  4. Integration with Learning Management Systems (LMS): Pixton integrates with popular learning management systems such as Google Classroom, allowing educators to seamlessly incorporate Pixton into their existing classroom workflows. This integration simplifies the process of assigning and submitting comic projects, streamlining communication and grading.

  5. Templates and Story Starters: Pixton offers a wide range of templates and story starters to inspire users and provide a starting point for their comic creations. These templates include various comic layouts, genres, and themes, providing users with a foundation to build upon and customize according to their preferences.

  6. Publishing and Printing Options: Once a comic strip or graphic novel is created, Pixton provides options for publishing and sharing. Users can publish their work online, making it accessible to a wider audience. They can also print their creations as high-resolution images or physical copies, allowing for offline distribution or personal keepsakes.

In general, Pixton provides a versatile and user-friendly platform for creating comics and graphic novels. Its collaborative features, educational focus, accessibility options, and publishing capabilities make it a valuable tool for both educators and individuals interested in visual storytelling and creative expression.

Interactivity: Edpuzzle!

Edpuzzle is an online educational platform that allows teachers to create interactive video lessons for their students. It provides a way to engage students with video content by adding questions, comments, and other interactive elements to the videos. Teachers can search for existing videos or upload their own, and then customize the video by adding voiceover, cropping, and embedding questions throughout the video timeline.With Edpuzzle, teachers can track their students' progress, monitor their responses to questions, and provide feedback. This platform enables teachers to assess students' understanding of the content, promote active learning, and differentiate instruction based on individual student needs. Students can access the video lessons from any device with an internet connection, allowing for flexible learning.Edpuzzle is commonly used in flipped classrooms, blended learning environments, and remote teaching situations. It provides a way for teachers to incorporate multimedia content into their lessons and make the learning experience more interactive and engaging for students.

In addition to its core features, Edpuzzle offers several other functionalities and benefits:

  1. Video Editing: Edpuzzle provides basic video editing tools that allow teachers to trim, crop, and customize videos to fit their specific needs. This feature enables educators to focus on specific sections of a video or remove irrelevant content to make the lesson more concise.

  2. Analytics and Insights: Teachers can track students' progress and engagement through Edpuzzle's analytics and reporting features. This data provides valuable insights into student performance, including viewing habits, completion rates, and quiz scores. Teachers can use this information to identify areas where students may be struggling and tailor their instruction accordingly.

  3. Integration with Learning Management Systems (LMS): Edpuzzle integrates with popular learning management systems such as Google Classroom, Schoology, and Canvas. This integration streamlines the process of assigning and accessing Edpuzzle lessons within existing classroom workflows.

  4. Content Library: Edpuzzle offers a vast library of pre-existing video lessons created by teachers from around the world. Educators can search for relevant content in various subjects and grade levels, saving time and effort in lesson preparation.

  5. Collaboration and Sharing: Teachers can collaborate with colleagues by sharing their video lessons and accessing lessons created by others. This collaborative feature allows educators to benefit from each other's expertise and resources, fostering a supportive community of educators.

  6. Interactive Elements: Edpuzzle enables teachers to embed interactive elements such as multiple-choice questions, open-ended questions, and audio notes directly into the video timeline. These elements engage students and promote active learning by encouraging them to think critically about the content.

Overall, Edpuzzle provides a comprehensive platform for creating, delivering, and assessing video-based lessons, making it a valuable tool for educators seeking to enhance their teaching practices with multimedia content.

3 Mayıs 2023 Çarşamba

Create and Design: Canva


Canva is a graphic design platform that allows users to create a wide range of digital and print designs, such as social media graphics, presentations, posters, and flyers. It is a popular tool for individuals and businesses who want to create professional-looking designs without needing advanced graphic design skills or expensive software. Canva provides a range of templates and design elements that users can customize to create their own designs, including fonts, images, icons, and illustrations. It also offers a drag-and-drop interface, making it easy to arrange and edit elements within a design.

Canva has both a free and paid version, with the paid version offering more features and resources, such as premium templates and design elements, unlimited storage, and the ability to collaborate with others on a design.

Canva is often used by educators and students for a variety of purposes, such as creating visual aids for presentations, designing classroom posters, and creating graphics for social media posts or school newsletters. Canva is a user-friendly and versatile platform that allows users to create professional-looking designs quickly and easily, making it a popular tool for individuals, businesses, and educators.

In addition to its core features of designing graphics, Canva also offers a range of other tools and resources that can be useful for educational purposes. Here are some examples:

  1. Education templates: Canva provides a range of templates specifically designed for educators and students, such as lesson plans, class schedules, and student certificates.

  2. Collaborative features: Canva allows multiple users to collaborate on a design, which can be useful for group projects or team assignments.

  3. Branding tools: Canva offers branding tools that allow users to create and maintain a consistent visual identity across all their designs.

  4. Design tutorials: Canva provides a range of tutorials and resources to help users improve their design skills and learn new techniques.

  5. Mobile app: Canva has a mobile app that allows users to design on-the-go, which can be useful for students and educators who need to create designs outside of the classroom.

Overall, Canva is a versatile platform that offers a range of tools and resources that can be useful for educational purposes. Its user-friendly interface and vast selection of templates and design elements make it a popular tool for educators and students who want to create professional-looking designs quickly and easily.

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: Same But Different Things :)

  Both augmented reality  and virtual reality affect how we perceive reality, although they do it in distinct ways. With the help of a heads...